Thursday, May 27, 2021

Week 6 - Fremantle Excursion

On Wednesday 26th of May, Room 19, 12 and 16 embarked on an exciting excursion to Fremantle. Our first stop was the Fremantle Prison, where students saw first-hand where convicts served their sentences. After an informative tour, we made our way down the road to the Round House where we learnt that it is the first permanent building built in the Swan River Colony. After this, we were treated to a delicious fish and chips lunch catered by Cicerello’s. Our next stop was back to the Round House to listen to the cannon being fired at 1pm. The final stop of the day was the WA Shipwrecks Museum. Students explored all the fascinating artefacts on display including one-seventh of a restored ship. Overall, we had an awesome day learning about the history of our state. We would like to extend a very special thank you to the parent volunteers and the education assistant for accompanying us on our excursion.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Design and Technologies - House Projects

In Terms 1 and 2, we have been learning about how houses are built to withstand different natural disasters. This week students were asked to research, plan and design a house, which could withstand the effects of a natural disaster chosen by each student.

On Tuesday the 25th May, students will be constructing this house. This week students were sent home with an individual list of materials and tools they require to build their house. I kindly ask that parents provide students with these or similar materials and tools, so they are able to build their house.

We thank you greatly for your support and assistance.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Super Scientist Presentations

This term we will be conducting our Super Scientist Presentations. We encourage the students to perform an actual, physical experiment or demonstration using equipment. It can be based on any science topic they are interested in researching and learning about.

The presentation is to be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 minutes. Students can use a PowerPoint for their presentation and they should be able to give information about the science behind their experiment. The students have been informed of this as well.

Please be reminded that the children are encouraged to take responsibility for their presentations and must come prepared and ready to present on their allocated day. 


  • Title of the investigation/experiment to Mrs McBride by Monday, 17th May – Week 5
(No spelling or mental maths homework in Week 5 as students will be focusing on their presentations.)

  • Class presentations to be held in the week commencing Monday 24th May – Week 6

Monday, May 10, 2021

Year Level Challenge and Merit Award Winners

A fantastic effort from Sophie, Amber and Masih for being in the Top 5 of the Year 4 Year Level Challenge in Term 1. Well deserved!


Congratulations to Jye, Ataya, Shanuel and Ella for receiving a Merit Award at the assembly. We are very grateful to have such kind, hardworking and generous students in our class. Keep up the wonderful work!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Term 2 Week 1 - ANZAC Day

 In Week 1, Room 19 commemorated ANZAC Day and honoured those who had served or are serving our country. We took part in many activities which gave students the opportunity to talk about the importance of the ANZACs and the significant roles service men and women of our nations have now and had during the war.


Room 19 wrote ANZAC poems with a focus on using figurative language. Students did a wonderful job describing the sounds heard during the war in Gallipoli, through the use of onomatopoeia, similes and metaphors.


We also joined our buddy class to create an ANZAC soldier silhouette artwork. This was a wonderful activity for Room 19 to guide their Year 1 and Year 2 buddies to use their fine motor skills to tear coloured paper to create the background for the silhouette. Miss Marinan and I were very proud of how well both classes worked together.


We also created our wreath for the ANZAC ceremony. Thank you very much to parents for bringing in flowers. It turned out beautifully and it was all due to your kind donations.


Thank you to Sophie and Maddison for laying our wreath with our buddy class. You did a great job girls!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Drop Everything and Talk Term 2 Week 1

Term 2 Week 1 – What is your favourite thing about Easter?

Ella’s Response:

“My favourite thing about Easter is that I had an Easter egg hunt, and my Aunty comes over from Queensland to have breakfast with us.”


Asha’s response:

“My favourite thing about Easter is that I get to do an Easter egg hunt. This is more fun than waking up with them in my basket already.”


Amber’s response:

“My favourite thing about Easter was finding a surprise gift in my tent. My mum told me to clean it out and when I came back, I found a Unicorn Beanie-boo. It was better than getting chocolate.”